Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who's your crush?

Growing up in the 80's & early 90's, I had crushes on the usual heart-throbs of the day. I used to "heart" Cocktail- era Tom Cruise, and 21 Jump Street-era Johnny Depp. I slept under a giant poster of a shirtless Jordan Knight of New Kids on the Block fame.

During the college years I had an inexplicable attraction to Ricky Martin. Gee that one Grammy performance really did change America! It certainly changed my dating preferences. I've been a sucker for Latin lovahs ever since.

For the past few years I've had a rather obscure crush. He's no traditional movie or tv heart-throb. He's not a Latin lover. Although he is a TV star, few people have bothered to look at him.

It's Seth MacFarlane. He's the creator and voice actor behind Family Guy. I IMDB'd the show to check out who was doing the voices. I was slack-jawed when I saw his picture.

He is just so adorable in an approachable real guy kind of way.
Of course he's surrounded by Hollywood fembots now, so approachable real guy is probably dead now.

But a girl can dream. And I certainly do.
Please leave a comment about your crush- obscure or otherwise.


Anonymous said...

You are not alone in your love for MacFarlane! Come join us fangirls! :o)

I've been a fan of his for years; I agree with you completely. He has that real-guy quality, plus looks and smarts to match. Amazing.

Clever Elsie said...

Hey! Thanks for the blogroll add! I'll add you to mine, too...

I think this is the first time I've laid eyes on Seth MacFarlane, though I've watched Family Guy, of course. My jaw is grazing the floor about now because he looks just like my friend's husband! Seriously!

Hmmm...My crushes almost all have a very similar facial type and coloring: Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, Barry Watson (from 7th Heaven, Jared Padalecki (from Gilmore Girls and Supernatural)...I'm such a sucker for those deep brown eyes and helter-skelter hair!

Rashard said...

Sorry, guys don't have crushes. But if Kerry Washington inexplicably showed up at my door...

Not Your Average Male said...

Ummm, lately I have this thing for Chrisette Michele and Alicia Keys. If either of them even looked like they were about to say something that remotely indicated interest, it would be on like neckbone.

Lady Dulayne said...

Yeah, I'm not really having crushes anymore. Just intense lust for certain people.

Lately, I've been playing the idea of me and Mark McGrath in my head. At least everytime I hear SugarRay on the radio.


CC Solomon said...

Adriane Brody, Zack Braff, Joaquin Pheonix and Lenny Kravitz. Doesn't get much more obscure than that...

Eb the Celeb said...

I had a huge crush on Daron from 112 and Quick from Jagged Edge back in college.