Friday, December 28, 2007

the blog bandwagon

Hello blogosphere! Here I am! I've come to join the blogworld...... roughly 8-9 years after everyone else. I'm sure the Silicon Valley techno geeks have already concocted something cooler and newer than blogs. Before I finish this post this medium will be completely obsolete. Moreover, my 2005 dinosaur of a laptop will be deemed as cutting edge as slate and chisel. Better late than never I guess.

So, now what? Does one recount her whole life story in the initial post? Maybe rattle off a few pithy musings about current events? Why don't I share what brought me here to blog?
A week or two ago a couple acquaintances shared their blogs. I read and enjoyed them. Then read and enjoyed other recommended blogs. Then it occurred to me: I'm always ranting about one thing or another. My audience is usually a very polite co-worker who's probably secretly praying for me to shut the eff up already! So I'll channel my ranting & raving to those who specifically go online to enjoy such meaningless blather. Thanks reader or readers (wishful thinking) for enjoying my meaningless blather.


Lady Dulayne said...

Kudos to you girl. I look forward to more!

Rashard said...

Welcome to the club. We have jackets.